Articles on: Dumpsters

How do I know if my clean dirt lowboy will be rejected?

The easiest way to know if your dumpster will be rejected by the facility is to add the following items: grass, roots, weeds, plant material, anything organic. Rocks and other inert material are usually fine.

If a load gets rejected, it is either not CLEAN dirt (meaning the dirt has sod, grass, or roots) or the dumpster has construction debris and other material. Most facilities will accept a mix of dirt and concrete, but some only want one or the other. You have to be very clear when ordering about the exact source material for your dumpster.

A dirty load container can cost you over $1,000, if loaded incorrectly please be careful when ordering clean dirt dumpsters

Here are some images of locations that have been rejected by the facility. If your material has as much, or more than this in terms of organic material, talk to us about other options:

These loads will definitely be rejected

These are loads that we have recently seen get rejected, which even we are shocked by, but have no control over

Updated on: 08/14/2018

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